1日 J
- the origins of Japanese has been disputed.
- I'm going to look up some more information about
- The ancient Celtic and Vedic cultures share many improbable parallels.
3日 W
- 納豆大好きで作ってるらしい:smells like dirty socks, tastes like cigarettes,表現は不味そうだが
- lacto fermented pickle
4日 Z
- アラブ人の名前から国籍を当てられるのかゲームをした.
5日 M
- イラン人にとって,アラブ人と一緒にされることは最大の屈辱らしい.
- 科学を発展させた(中世,古代の)アラブ人科学者はペルシャ人らしい.
- ペルシャ人はイスラーム
6日 J
- 偶然とは思えない:It certainly looks like more than a coincidental resemblance.
- hold a conversation.
- compose a sentence
- モンパルナスタワーについて,The modern skyscraper is an eyesore in the middle of such historical architecture.
- Staying in Paris was more exciting than I expected compared to when I visited as a tourist.
- it has slowed my progress down a bit
- 発展途上国:third world countries or lesser developed countries
8日 J
- common ancestry between the Japanese and the Jewish
- the Wiki page is dismissive of the idea
- Academia often refers to opposing views as fringe theories.
- apocryphal
9日 R
- Dumpie, courts:南アの飲み物の量の単位
- Some of the words meaning I know is different from common usage.
- How familiar are you with .....?/How much do you know about....?
- The entire city of Kyoto
- tribal language
- 英語も公用語で誰でもペラペラらしい
14日 J
- 聖典の多義性について.
- There seems to be multiple layers to the text, and it isn't always clear what the value or meaning is.
- The God of the Old Testament is pictured as temperamental and capricious.
17日 J
- Baha'i stance on polygamy
- In one sense it's very liberal, and in another quite conservative.
19日 U
- Pidgin Englishがよく話されるらしい.
- 田舎ではボコ・ハラムがやばいけど,そんなにみんな気にしてない.
20日 M
22日 R
23日 R
- professor rankings:大学の職位
- 催促のメール
- Greetings Dr.XX
I hope the email finds you well! I am just emailing you to follow up on the request I sent few months ago on getting some data from you, I hope that I can hear from you soon.
- branch out:会話,事業を広げる
- a paper from the view of equality/with an impartial viewpoint: 論文の中立性について
- vaccinations don't work against a new variant
- j'étudie la gestion des rivières
- stage:インターン
- je suis un chercheur
- どんなけ早口でもun, uneの発音が同じになることは無いらしい.
- Pacific Island countries
- keep up the good work
- I engaged in extra-curricular activity as a student:塾についての説明
- フィジーでは,大半の人がその日暮らし(食料を自分で取る毎日)なのでロックダウンはありえないらしい.
- love to see how you grow in this journey of learning English
- The daily showというチャンネルを教えてもらった.面白い.
- stagecoachにのってGold Rushが行われた話
30日 R