3日 R
4日 P
- tolerance limit 我慢の限界
- Some children have a low tolerance for boredom.
- The president proclaimed a state of emergency.
- moved to ではなく travelled to ( 旅行中の話 )
- the travel was cancelled ではなく trip
- I had to end my trip half way through because of the situation.
6日 B
7日 D
- Wild Atlantic Wayといって大西洋沿いの道路がめっちゃきれい.
- ゲール語はがっつり習うけど, 使うことはまずない. 文化保存のため.
- ビール大好き.
- Bearla = English, Gaelic = Irish ( ゲール語 )
- やはり地域によっては, かなり英語の癖がつよく, ききとりにくいらしい
- 首都のダブリンから放射状に路線がある.
- Smithwicksというビールが美味しいらしい.
- キリルもラテン文字も使うけど, ごちゃごちゃでどっちを使うとか明確にきまってない.
- 周りのくにとは, どことも対等な関係という感じ.
- 言語はクロアチア語と似ていて, serbo-croatian系統とひとくくりである
- 電車はあんまりメジャーでない.
- 首都は高さ制限があるのでそれほど大都会という見た目ではない
- 東方正教会やけど世俗的, 不可知論者が多い印象.
- アドリア海と黒海に遊びに行く人が多い.
- We want to try out ~を使ってみようと検討してるんだけど
- Please see link in attached file.
- Please see link in attachment.
- Please see bottom for English version
- The calendar is supposed (meant) to be shared amongst staff members only.
13日 R
14日 R
- How familiar are you with Japan?
- How much do you know about Japan?
- What draws (pulls) you to Alaska?
17日 R
It was so wonderful to hear from you again. First of all, I am sorry I missed X's email. We have had no contact with X recently... So, I'd say they do have X data but I'm not sure how much of the data we can have access to. XXX It will be my pleasure to cooperate with you. I will handle all the tasks, negotiation, translation, calculations needed.
18日 D
- 再びメール.
- Thank you for your email. I received your request.
- How much snow do you get? How much snow does Ireland get? 雪の量のききかた
- We usually get 5 cm. The snow is usually about 10 cm deep.
- flexi-time - core hours
- The languages you learn in school in Japan are universal - everyone does English and Japanese.
- Although it will be challenging for you to read a text from that era, in my opinion such an experience can only be beneficial.
- I can't seem to hear you.
- You'll definitely learn a lot in the process
20日 R
Please don't accept the package from others, get the package from either myself or another professor.
22日 R
- 歴史の話で盛り上がった.
26日 J
- vocabulary is vast
- It is quite clear you've been speaking English for a long time
- the city was buzzing/bustling:この単語は両方ネガティブじゃないらしい.
27日 M
- They sound more aggresive using XXX dialect
- オーストラリアはインドネシアとのつながりが強いらしい. 10年ほど前までは, 学校の第二言語でインドネシア語が一般的やったほど.
28日 M
- Japanese education is grammar-heavy
- trails: 特徴
- uniformity:日本をよく表していると思う.
29日 M
- So many of our passports have been faked that most countries now demand South Africans have visas to enter.
- Corruption is a huge problem in South Africa, as is unemployment.
- 南アフリカの政治がいかに腐敗しているかをたくさん聞いた. 人の命を直接左右するような, 結構エグい話もあった.