1日 R
- receive severe punishments
- the pandemic broke out
3日 D
- wide-ranging conversation
- time simply flew by.
- more of the same is my recommendation. もっと同じようなことを薦める
- At a basic level, there are many cognates between German and English.
- There is growing hope that the Oxford vaccine could be a real game-changer.
- Fashion victim:哀れなほど服にこだわりを持っているひと.
6日 G
8日 G
- it is always a pleasure to~
- This is the period when Japanese students submit academic papers. 卒論の季節
9日 R
- We had 7 potential/prospective students that had a tour of my lab. 7人の研究室訪問があった.
- He is an arrogant critic.
10日 G
- My hometown was safe from all gang activity
- license to carry a firearm
11日 R
南アフリカ人は, 文法的にも音声的にも最も正しい英語を使うという矜持があるらしい.
12日 R
冠詞についての質問. 以下の例文は全て文法的に正しい. ( 内容はてきとう )
- In this study, we developed a form of SMS called the Hydrophone system.
- In this study, we developed one of the types of SMS called a Hydrophone system .
- We used CR-15B, which is developed by Toyota and is one of the surrogate monitoring systems.
- We used CR-15B, which is developed by Toyota and is a form of surrogate monitoring systems
14日 G
- I deeply apologize for my ~
- I should be able to handle this alone:自分でなんとかするべき
- let me know how you did with the presentation
15日 G
- we have never met in person.:実際にあったことがない
- heartfelt words:心温まる文章
17日 R
( 正 ) The plate is placed on a river bed with an embedded microphone to record the sound of rocks hitting the plate as they pass through.
(コメント) embedとplaceの使い分け.
冠詞についての質問. 3つともOK.
- Lake Biwa is one of the lakes in Japan.
- Biwako is one of the lakes in Japan.
- The Biwa lake is a lake in Japan.
18日 R
- Hydrophone systems used all over the world are part of the surrogate monitoring system or SMS for short.
- electrical fire: ( 地震を誘因とする ) 電気火災
- Tongans love pig on the spit:豚の丸焼き
- Please keep up the good work.
21日 G
- revelation:意外な新事実
- attended Catholic School in high school
- under any circumstances
23日 B
- Sunday roast:イギリスの伝統食
24日 R
冠詞に関して. 二文の比較.
- 1- the continuity of sediment transport through rivers
- 2- φ loss of reservoir storage and reduced usable life
1文目にtheがつくのは, continuityはどの川ももつものだから. 2文目が無冠詞なのは, lossをもつ貯水池ともたない貯水池があるから.
単複に関して. 二文の比較.
- 1- By trapping sediment in reservoirs
- 2- depriving downstream reaches of sediments essential for channel form and aquatic habitats.
sedimentに関する単複の差異は, その具体性に起因する. 1つ目は抽象的. trappping sedimentでひとまとまりの操作というかんじか?
2つ目は, 具体的に土砂の粒子らと水生昆虫とのinteractionが感じられるような文章であり, 具体性がある.
25日 M
- It was such a pleasure to:多くの講師が使う表現だと気づいた.
- We could hear the animals calling.
26日 R
学会発表スライド ( ICOLD, India ) をみてもらった.
27日 G
- it was nice speaking with you
- decent daily conversation skills
- His explanation of where he was last night seems off:彼の言っていることはどこか怪しい ( 浮気など )